It's obvious that vintage everything is on trend. We were curious to see how names that were popular long ago are doing on the charts today. We wondered when they dropped of the list, which ones are making a comeback, and if there were variations that were keeping the same name vibe alive. We made a video of the Top 50 Names of Girls Circa 1910 . Then we did a little data dive to look at how the same names are doing now. Compared to the Top 10 names from 2018, seven of which end in -a, only Anna, #6 from 1910 ends that popular way. In fact, as you go down the vintage list, it's names like Edna, Thelma, and Martha that finish with -a, names we don't really see inside the Top 500 today. Mildred came in at #8 back then. It hung around in the Top 100 until 1945 but continued a steady decline until dropping out of the Top 1000 after 1984. Millie hung around in the 2-300's for a while but also seemed on a slow and steady drop, dipping out of the Top 1000 even earlier,
Hello Namers! Mom and the Pie is a mother-daughter collaboration. We fell quickly in love with naming and this is the perfect outlet for our creativity. It is also a great way to spend time together. We enjoy the art of naming and hope to offer baby name inspiration. Find us: #namingbaby